Monday, March 7, 2011

Consider a senior animal companion when adopting

Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog."
 Sydney Jeanne Seward

Our animal companions can be wonderful teachers for us if we open our hearts to listen. Their practice of unconditional loving, being present in the now and optimistic outlook are just a few of the things I try to incorporate into my daily life.  Imagine having years of practice at the items above, and then adding a few more to the list and voila, you have the makings of the perfect animal companion for your family.

I came across this wonderful site while researching senior pet products for a client. The Senior Dog Project  is a comprehensive website with a wealth of resources for adopting a senior dog including the top ten reasons why to adopt a senior dog.

It has been more than a decade since our rescue rat terrier Casey joined our family. Casey was in her early forties in human years when she came to be with us. Just like the list said, she was patient, an instant companion, knew what "no" meant, good at giving love for having been given a second chance. More than that, she instantly made her way into our hearts to stay. Now 119 in human years, Casey continues to be a great teacher, especially with my daughter Kayman.

Won't you consider adopting a senior pet today?

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